Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Vice Prez debate

Sadly, Dick C did not use the f-word or have a heart attack. A couple of things did surprize me though. How come the VP has never met John E before? The Senate only has 100 members. The VP is suppose to oversee the Senate and has voted to break ties. Wouldn[t you think the VP would try to meet all the Senators? I would. Just so you have a chance to evaluate the people you have to deal with. And, 100 is less than the people at an APLS convention. Within a weekend, you can easily talk to everyone.

I was surprised that Dick C did not use all his time. A good politician does that. He even thanked John E for standing up for his gay daughter. Dick C said he was surprised that he and John E had similar backgrounds.

Neither said much of substance, just more of the same garbage they have been repeating. Cheney did avoid answering some of the questions and went on spiels about other things. Both repeating their lines. Cheney seemed cold, but human. Edwards was folksy. Neither were right on their games.

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