Saturday, October 23, 2004

Has Been is Awesome

He records probably the best record of the year in "Has Been". If you have not heard it, listen, it is a great record about men living their lives in quiet desperation. There is something in it that will make you laugh, cry, and just calm your spirt.

On the other hand, this proves, he just has too much money. He couldn't have taken the Captain Kirk thing seriously? Why, oh, why does he want his wings?

"Star Trek" star William Shatner, the former Captain of the USS Enterprise is willing to pay US$210,000 for a seat on one of Virgin Group's first proposed commercial space flights.
Virgin's chief, Richard Branson indicated more than 7000 people have expressed interest in paying the $210,000 fare for chance to be blasted 70 miles above the Earth.
Branson, 54, has committed more than $100 million for spaceships and ground infrastructure. He is also spending more than $20 million to licence the rights to SpaceShipOne's technology.
Branson hopes to launch the first commercial space flight by 2008. He also said he would go on the first flight, along with his family.
Sir Richard Branson, born July 18, 1950, is best known for his widely successful Virgin Group brand, a variety of business organizations, including, music, travel, electronics and more.

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