Saturday, August 14, 2004


They only want less government as long as it does not affect their lives. Turn off the water, let the potholes grow, or stop their subsidies and they want more and more government....

Why I Became A Republican By Ken Hughes Aug 14, 2004 I have this older brother; He and I have never been able to agree on much of anything. He is and has been a Democrat all his adult life. That’s about sixty-one years now. Don’t ask me where it went wrong, he certainly wasn’t raised that way. I’ll call my brother Ron, [because that’s his name]. Ron thinks I’m some kind of right wing Anti-Christ. He hasn’t liked a Republican President since Abe Lincoln. Since I’m a Republican he isn’t too fond of me either. Ron’s been a Cowboy all his life. Not one of those Hollywood types but a real honest to God Cowboy. He knows a lot more about horses and cows than he knows about politics. Ron spent three years or so in the South Pacific Island hopping in WW II. Other than that its pretty much been home on the range for him. Most mornings about eight a.m. the locals all get together at Collets Pool Hall for coffee. Collets sits all alone at the side of a road that goes nowhere. They discuss the previous days events. Since they're mostly in the Old Geezer category, the're all Democrats. It goes back to the depression and FDR. Most days there’s upwards of a dozen of them and they all have the same beliefs, the only argument is who’s the most opinionated of the group. Most days Ron wins. I’m not saying Ron isn’t smart, he’s smart as can be about the things he knows about, [that doesn’t include politics]. He just happens to be more than a little biased about some things. I’ve tried several times to show Ron the error of his ways. He just doesn’t seem to get it. Like most Democrats he thinks we Republicans are out to destroy the earth and all it harbors. He believes we want is to pollute the air, cut down the rain forests, totally destroy the environment, use up all the water and starve any one who isn’t earning over $100,000 a year. He’s convinced taxing rich people will solve all the problems facing mankind. Ron thinks when you don’t have the answer to a question tax the rich and the answer will come to you. I would probably say this if Ron weren’t my brother. He’s not a bad fellow aside from his political views. He’s made an effort to protect the environment he lives in. He and his daughter do a lot of traveling speaking on the benefits of proper range management where cattle are grazed. Ron’s son-in-law and daughter operate a certified organic cattle ranch. Both Ron and his daughter have worked to preserve the water supply in their valley. Water is the number one issue where Ron comes from. People have no idea how important water is until it’s rationed out to them. A lot of people don’t have the respect for the land Ron and the other Old Geezers have. What Ron and the other Old Geezer don’t understand, these are the same things we Republicans are for. Rather than government making all the decisions we would rather Ron and the Old Geezers took charge. They know a lot more about their environment than any government bureaucrat. You see we Republican have a lot more faith in Americans to do the right thing than the Democrats. Our Grandfather came to the valley sometime in the 1880’s. He and his brothers and the other settlers had all the rules worked out long before the government decided they could do a better job. Those old timers faced the threats of the day as a single unit. Then the Government came in and redefined all that was working in an attempt to promote equality of recourses and opportunity for the alleged deprived. They took something useful and turned it into something useless and totally unnecessary all in the name of progress. To cut to the chase of this article. Ron and those other Old Geezers should make two lists, “how it was and how it is”. Before the government decided to establish this utopian society they are trying to squeeze [one size fits all] America into, maybe just maybe they would decide the Republicans have a point. “A Government that governs least governs best”.

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