Friday, July 09, 2004

Sun Sounds

Since I am an old geezer and have no worthwhile life, according to the grumpy kids anyhow, I volunteer some time to Sun Sounds of Arizona, to read things by a radio frequency to people with print disabilities. They may be blind, infirm or have things such as dylexia. So, tonight we were reading the USA Today. There was an article about Lenny Bruce and a collection of his acts that was being put together by his daughter. At the end of the article, she said the skits were so funny, they would make you pee. I found that hilarious and it was hard to keep this geezer from laughing. Oh, if only things were so funny that you had to pee your pants. Just that little spot of pee. Hey, I think that is why they make DEPENDS!

Geezerdom will bring that to the forefront soon enough....drat.....

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