Top 10 Most Annoying Fans At A Game
10. Drunks. OK, being drunk may contribute to this entire list, but let's get rid of them now (if only it were that easy).
9. Any guy over 16 wearing a glove. Come on, dude, look at yourself.
8. Old guy who sits in student section and continually yells "Sit down in front!" Hey, geezer, sit someplace else.
7. Anybody who sits a quarter-mile from the field and yells at players or officials as if they can hear him/her. (Also using the flash on your disposable camera from that distance and figuring it makes a difference.)
6. The guy who waits until fourth down on the goal line to stand and order his hot dog and sixth beer.
5. Anybody who gets hysterical because a TV camera is aimed your way. (You are guilty of this, admit it.)
4. The guy who listens to you and your friends and corrects everything you say about the game. (Shoot him, 'cause no jury will convict you.)
3. The guy with the hairy back who takes off his shirt. (Dennis Salvagio gets a pass -- I guess.)
2. Any fat guy sitting next to you in those 19-inch arena seats. (I can't stand that, but I blame the seats.)
But the most annoying has to be:1. Anyone who blocks your view by leaving early, no matter how close the game may be. (If you don't care about how it ends, stay home and change the channel!)But that's just me.
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